A short video from a kite&wing trip to Italy.

I went to Italy primarily for the races, which didn’t go as planned at all. On the first day, I couldn't get into a proper stance at all and ended up finishing around 15th place. Additionally, there were big waves from the previous days, which I'm not used to. However, I was looking forward to the last two days when the wind was supposed to be very weak, and it was. But, it would be strange if the universe wanted to help me. During the second race on the last day, I hit a bag and fell, thoroughly soaking my racing kite. Due to the weak wind, a boat had to come and help me, which took a while because the Czech team has only one boat that helps others as well. But that's not important. What is important is that during my swim, a string came loose and the kite didn’t function properly, collapsing because of this. As a result, I finished among the last, if I finished at all. I would rather forget the actual races, which is why I edited the video with footage from outside the races.

I hope you enjoyed it. Best regards, Piškot